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Hydrangea Plants

Q.How To Transplant Hydrangea

Zone Long Pond, Pa. 18334 | Anonymous added on July 17, 2023 | Answered

I have 2 established hydrangeas that are wilting since I had to remove a large oak tree. I cover them with an umbrella during the hottest part of the day. How and when should I transplant them?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 17, 2023

It depends. Summer is not a good time to be planting or transplanting hydrangeas as they can become very reactive to harsh environmental conditions afterwards and require daily monitoring. That being said, if they are suffering greatly regardless of the umbrella shade, you may be forced to move them now. If they are holding up well with the temporary shade, wait until temperatures recede and are typically below 85F daily by the fall. Maintain the soil well mulched with 3-4” of organic mulch past the drip line. Keep the soil evenly moist during the summer, not dry but not soggy either. Water as soon as the soil is almost dry at a depth of 4”, using enough gallons such that the soil is moist after watering (check at a depth of 8”). To avoid overwatering and leaf spotting issues, do not water if the soil is already wet.

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