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Cucumber Plants

Q.How To Tell When To Pick A Cucumber

Zone 30680 | Scottrash2 added on September 20, 2021 | Answered

I need to no when to pick a cucumber how long do they need to grow before u pick them

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on September 21, 2021

Most slicing cucumbers for fresh eating should be harvested when they are seven to nine inches long and have a dark green color. If they get much larger than this, they may be bitter and may not taste as well.

When you pick the cucumbers, leave a small, one-inch section of stem attached to the cucumber. This prevents the stem end from rotting in storage if you do not use/eat the cucumber right away. The easiest way to do this and the least stressful for the plant is to cut the cucumber off the vine with a sharp knife or pruners. If you twist or pull on the vine, the plant can be damaged.

Wear gloves when you harvesting as some cucumbers, particularly pickling varieties, are prickly. If the cucumbers have a lot of spines, remove them by rubbing a cloth or a soft vegetable brush along the length of the fruit. The burpless varieties of cucumbers are susceptible to bruising. Lay them gently in a container as you gather the cucumbers.

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