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Hyacinth Plant

Q.how to take care lavenders

Zone Fairfax, VA | vrodgt added on July 23, 2018 | Answered

I love lavenders but I have been unsuccessful keeping them alive. I changed water conditions, sun light etc. Could you send me some advice.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 23, 2018

Lavender is native to semi-desert areas. What that says is that it doesn't need much water, requires fast-draining soil and must dry out between waterings. More people lose lavender to overwatering than underwatering. Whether growing in pots or in the ground, adding coarse sand or small pebbles improves drainage. Lavender roots are susceptible to rot if the soil doesn't drain well or stays moist. Wet soil, as in unamended heavy clay, is a sure fire killer. A bit of compost around the plant is all the fertilizer it needs.
Lavender should be pruned hard in late fall or early spring. Early spring is preferable in cold winter areas. It does not leaf out from old, bare wood so make sure you don't prune past the last sets of visible buds. It thrives in heat and full sun. Please respond if you have specific questions.

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