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Bulb Care

Q.How to store spring bulbs in fall, short term?

Zone zone 6 | krystalmk added on October 14, 2019 | Answered

I have a new collection of daffodil bulbs to fill in and replace some very old ones that are either just too old (some are 50 yrs old!) or have been damaged so that they might perform poorly next year or not even bloom at all. I am not quite ready to plant just yet. Weather conditions are OK but my free time is minimal, also the areas where I want to plant bulbs still have flowers in them. The new bulbs are trying to sprout a little bit. Should I place them in the refrigerator to slow them down? They would only need to be in storage for a couple of weeks, tops. ~ Thank You

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on October 15, 2019

For a short time the refrigerator is fine. 40 F will return them to dormancy. I would wrap the bulbs in newspaper or a paper bag. Some of your neighbors/friends may love to have the old bulbs.

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