Q.How To Stop Our Arizona Ash Tree From Creating Seeds.
We have an AZ Ash tree that is about 12 years old. We planted another one 2 years ago and about that time our first tree started seeding massively. If we remove the new tree will that stop the seeding of the old tree? Assuming they are female and male?
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
I wouldn't recommend sterilizing a tree, yourself. This will require a professional that is knowledgeable on the safe use of the chemicals required to sterilize a tree. They pose a very significant risk to humans, and are not usually worth the damage that they can cause.
Removing one of the trees will not solve the issue, either. The large female can receive pollen from trees nearby, assuming that there are others within pollination range outside of your yard.
Should you still want the tree sterilized, you can contact your local extension service for help with this. Here is a link to help you find the closest to you: