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Hyacinth Plant

Q.How to save my Japanese Tree Lilac

Zone Providence UT 84332 | Anonymous added on October 10, 2016 | Answered

About 3 winters ago, we had severe cold and lots of snow. Come spring, I thought my Japanese Tree Lilac had died. Mid June we decided to cut it down because there were no leaves. However, when the pruner handed me a branch, I saw tiny leaf buds on it. We stopped cutting, but four branches about 1-1 1/2″ thick were cut off. The rest of the tree leafed out okay and has been producing wonderful blossoms. However, about 1/3 of the tree is dead. I know I need to cut these branches off, but is there hope for the rest of the tree? Is there anything I can do for it?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on October 11, 2016

Japanese Lilacs in general don't need much pruning so there growth is not likely to cover up the missing branches.
Prune the dead branches and I would determine if you can live with the appearance of your tree.
Sometimes it's good to be reminded that a loss in the garden makes for opportunities.


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