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Mango Trees

Q.How To Revive My Mango Plant?

Zone RanchoSantaMargarita, 92688, 10b | Lakshmi85 added on August 16, 2023 | Answered

Hi, I plant a Mango plant in March (Southern California) but it got cold damage. I removed the dead leaves, and cut the stem till I saw the green portion. Would it survive? Please let me know Thanks Lakshmi

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 17, 2023

It does sound like you have done what you needed to. I would add just a few things, however.

It looks like a bacteria has made its way into the injury, which can be mitigated by a fungicide. These are usually bactericides, as well. Here is an article that will help:


Keeping track of the pH, nutrient content, and moisture can help, as well:




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