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Q.How to remove sago palm petals

Zone Southern California | dkimx91 added on June 18, 2014 | Answered

I have a sago palm that was recently pruned of its leaves. I am trying to give it more strength to grow its leaves back by removing some of its petals off… Does anyone have any experience with removing its petals? and how many petals should be removed?

Also, I have one leaf left on the sago palm left. Will this give any benefit to my sago palm?


A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 23, 2014

It is really not a good idea to remove the flower on a sago. It creates a giant wound on the plant that is then open to disease and pests. Not to mention that it now has to put energy towards repairing that wound rather than regrowing fronds. This sago is in pretty bad shape, but your best chance at getting it to recover is to give it some fertilizer, enough water and time.

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Answered on May 21, 2016

As long as you wait for the flower to open and the seeds to develop, you can remove all of the seeds, and your sago will eventually set off all new fronds. Dogs can die very quickly from eating even one of the seeds, so please dispose off them in the trash. Cats don't seem to care about them at all.

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