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Q.how to remove a cotoneaster plant

Anonymous added on October 12, 2014 | Answered

I have a very large cotoneaster plant that was first planted by my builder in 1994. Since then it has been growing and spreading at an alarming rate. My efforts to control it only seem to result in growing an even larger plant. I want to get rid of it before it takes over my entire front yard. How do I accomplish this quickly and hopefully painlessly, but without killing all my other plants? Your help is urgently needed because this plant has got to go ASAP!!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on October 13, 2014

I personally would take it apart with a sawzall or reciprocal type saw. These power saws typically have disposable blades and can remove the branches above the ground, then can be plunged into the soil to cut through roots as well and get the main trunk out. It is the fastest, easiest way I have found to remove shrubs.

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