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Gardenia Plants

Q.how to reduce moisture for a tree gardenia in a large pot

Zone coastal southern california | 381123ra added on August 29, 2015 | Answered

After a tree gardenia did not do well in our flower bed, we bought another one and planted it in a large pot. The pH is 5-6 but down about 4-6 inches the soil is moist, although it hasn’t been watered in 5 days. There are holes in the bottom of the pot but they may be too small. The pH where the other gardenia was planted is 7 or a little above. What can lower the pH best in the garden and should the potted plant be moved to the garden?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on August 31, 2015

You can lift the pot off of the ground by setting it on bricks. Garden centers usually sell pot lifters also.
You may want to amend the soil in the pot for better drainage. If the potting mix is heavy and holding to much moisture you can add some peat moss and perlite to the mix.
You certainly can plant your Gardenia outdoors in your growing zone, but keep in mind the growing conditions needed for the finicky Gardenia.
Here are links for you with more information.


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