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Clematis Plants

Q.How To Prune Clematis – Ohio

Zone Cleveland, OH 44116 | Anonymous added on March 9, 2022 | Answered

Hello! I am new to growing Clematis. I live in Ohio. I did not cut back prior to Winter. I do not know the type of Clematis we have but it is summer blooming. At this point in time, it is as long as it was when the season ended last year and is brown. I am hoping just dormant. Was I supposed to cut it down to the ground? Or, what should I do now to ensure it comes back? Thank you!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on March 10, 2022

Clematis has three pruning groups. Since yours flowers in the summer, you are likely in the group that blooms on new wood. That means you can prune in spring and it will flower on new growth during the summer. To be safest, you can always prune immediately after flowering ends, then you will never cut off any developing buds (cos they come a little later after bloom).

If at any time you see buds when you are pruning, you are pruning at the wrong time. These articles should help:



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