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Q.How to plan to intercrop in a farm?

Zone Vietnam | Anonymous added on September 7, 2020 | Answered

Hi, I’m a student currently working on a project in Vietnam with okra, chillies and eggplant. I’ve read the article with what factors to take note of, but was wondering if there was a guideline that could better my understanding of the principles as well as make the work more efficient. For example, a brief list of factors (without examples) and how to decide on what method and when to start planting. Thanks for reading 🙂

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on September 9, 2020

Since you're in Vietnam, I'm not sure what your resources might be. Here's an article from an extension service in Texas that might give you some ideas as well as a general article.


I imagine Vietnam has it's own programs;
I do think you'll find more relevant information locally, but some of our Southern states that have warm, humid weather may have what you need through their agricultural programs. Here's a way to look up extension service offices in the US: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/garden-how-to/info/what-is-extension-service.htm

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