Q.How to pave a previously grassed area
The area is a circular lawn surrounded by a border approximately 6m sq. What to cover grass with ie. weed barrier. Edging the plant border. Use of cement, gravel, blocks, pavers and slabs.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
You need to kill the grass first. If you aren't in a hurry, you can cover the grass with clear plastic and leave it for six to eight weeks during a hot period. Another option is cover the area with cardboard, then cover with pavers. In time, the cardboard will decay into the soil, but will kill the grass in the meantime. For a quick kill, use an herbicide with glyphosate. Be sure to read and follow all label instructions.
There are many paver options available at your home improvement stores. You can use the same ideas for a walkway as a rounded area. Here are some ideas: