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Mango Trees

Q.How To Manage 5-months Old Seedling Of Mango If It Has Disease?

Zone Kiev | Anonymous added on April 27, 2021 | Answered

I planted the seedling of Mango, which I propagated from seed. It is 5 months old and I have following questions: 1. Should I remove the old cotyledons from the seedling in case if seedling is 5 months old? 2. How deep should be the pot for 5-months old seedling? 3. What king of soil it should to be in the pots and should I use the fertilizers? 4. On the leaves appeared the black-brown spots (look on my pictures). What kind of mango diseases it is and how to manage it?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 28, 2021

yes, you can remove the old cotyledons. The soil should be well-draining potting soil. It looks like you have garden soil, which may promote disease. It looks like you have insect activity.

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