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Pear Trees

Q.How To Make A Pear Tree Flourish In Wet Soil?

Anonymous added on January 10, 2021 | Answered

In an article published on your site (https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/trees/tgen/wet-soil-trees.htm) it is stated that pear trees grow well in wet soil, however most other guides and tips to growing pear trees I find state that pear trees enjoy well drained soil. I have some very wet soil which I would love to make productive and pretty with pear trees, so I was wondering if you could provide some tips and tricks for caring for pear trees in wet soil?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on January 12, 2021

The answer is, they do well if both conditions are met. I'm going to paste a quote here from Penn State University to help:
"Pear trees require a deep, well draining soil with a pH of 6–7 and will grow in sandy, medium or heavy soil. Pear trees are the most tolerant of all fruit trees of wet soils but roots should not be waterlogged for more than a few days at a time."
This article is located at https://plantvillage.psu.edu/topics/pear/infos/

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