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Ivy Plants

Q.How To Kill Ivy In A Wooded Area

Zone Zone 7 | NCorganic added on April 19, 2020 | Answered

I’ve read articles about killing ivy by laying down black plastic, pulling it up, using Roundup, etc. I don’t want to use Roundup and there is so much ivy growing around our trees that it wouldn’t be feasible. We pull it up, but, like bamboo, it keeps coming back. Has anyone solved this issue in a woodland setting? Thanks!

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 21, 2020

Without killing what is around it, it will be necessary to keep it cut, and pulled up. This means every instance as it occurs. Letting it get any sunlight will result in survival, so killing leaves as they even begin to form will be needed.

Otherwise, you may need to turn to selective herbicides for the ivy in question.

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