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Weed Control

Q.how to kill basket grass, dove weed, and chamberbitter?

Zone houston, texas | josal77339 added on July 15, 2015 | Answered

I have approximately 1/2 acre lot. I have been pulling basket grass manually. I also have dove grass, and chamberbitter. The temperature now is in the 90’s but do have some morning hours in the 80’s. What do you recommend to handle my weed problem?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 16, 2015

From my research I can not find any specific herbicide that will kill all 3 of the weeds you are trying to kill.
Pre-emergent herbicides are your best bet.
Once it's up and established you have to use a herbicide that will kill everything.
Organically you could use a 20 % vinegar solution.
You may want to contact your local county extension office and see if they are aware of the invasive weeds you are having trouble with.
They may have some great information or contacts for you.


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