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Geranium Plants

Q.How To I Keep Geraniums And Yarrow Looking Their Best When They Grow So Tall That They Flop Over?

Zone Cincinnati, Ohio | Anonymous added on May 23, 2021 | Answered

Hi there! Would you help me with a gardening question, please? I the same issue with both my New Hampshire geranium and with Yarrow. They are both plentiful in my gardens and look great until early summer when they grow so tall they flop over. Looks unsightly enough that I have actually pulled out both areas of plants over the years, but they come back in full force. So I have decided to embrace these perennials! So, what do I do to “stop the flop” or manage them so the New Hampshire geranium and the Yarrow look well all season long, please? Thank you so so so much!

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 27, 2021

Make sure they are getting enough sun because too much shade will cause flopping. You can always stake them if there aren't too many. Another option is pinch them back as they grow so they will produce side shoots and not so much height.


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