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Iris Plants

Q.How To Grow Water Irises From Seed By Planting The Seed Directly In The Pond Bank/shoreline?

Zone 14564 - New York just south of Lake Ontario | jwbcab@rochester.rr.com added on August 25, 2022 | Answered

I have a pond with about fifty feet of shoreline which I would like to cover with water irises. I have three clumps of water iris plants (wild) already on three locations of the pond bank. What would you recommend for planting the seeds directly to the bank rather than going through the germination process and a few transplantings. I have harvested about 5,000 seeds from the three clumps. Thanks..

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 26, 2022

Since you have some growing, already, it is likely that they will self seed and germinate! With this being said, I would recommend going through the tedious process of planting 2 or 3 seeds in each location that you would want them. They will germinate within a few weeks. This should be done at the end of October.



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