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Hyacinth Plant

Q.How to Grow Turnips

stanley1a added on June 30, 2011 | Answered

I am asking for advice on my turnips. They are growing well but the tops on them seem to grow too much. The turnips are about 25-40mm, but the tops are about 10 to 12 inches tall, and I don’t want them to go to seed. I heard that if you cut the tops down or even walk on the tops that it helps the turnips to grow better. I would like to know if that is right. Any advice would be most helpful. Thank you.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on July 5, 2011

Removing or damaging the tops is not likely to help. The soil most likely either lacks phosphorous or has too much nitrogen. Both conditions result in large healthy tops with small, stunted roots. Try adding in a phosphorous rich fertilizer like bone meal to the soil to help bring it back into balance.

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