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Hoya Plants

Q.How To Grow Hoya Kerrii From Seeds

Zone Indiana | phillipsdanielle82 added on August 4, 2020 | Answered

I will be propagating seeds indoors

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 5, 2020

Seeds can be grown just like any other plant. Place seeds in moist seed starting mix, keep the humidity and temperature up and wait. The problem comes due to the poor germination rate of these seeds. No matter what you do, most of them will not germinate if these are not fresh seeds.

If they are fresh seeds, you have a much better success rate.

The next issue comes with the seeds not being true to the parent. In most cases, they will not carry traits from the previous generation. They will not likely look similar, nor be as disease hardy.

The best way to start these plants, reliably, is through cutting. This article will help:


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