Q.How to grow banana tree
My wife and I got 2 banana trees from our daughter about 6 weeks apart and the first tree she gave us that we planted has already got about 9 leaves on it and the other day my wife came in and said that we have another tree growing up beside the first one we planted. I went outside and, to my amazement, she was right. My question I would like to have answered is, should I dig up the new baby tree, as my wife calls it, and replant it somewhere else so it will have more room to grow or is it growing off from the tree that it is growing up beside?
The new baby tree is growing about 6 inches from the first one we planted. This is the first time we have ever tried to grow a banana tree so we don’t know much about growing a banana tree and also we live in Kentucky and we do get cold weather and snow here also. My other question is, how are we suppose to care for the 3 banana trees that we now have during the cold winter season?
As you can tell, we don’t know much about growing banana trees and would love to know the answers to the 2 questions I asked. It is very interesting to watch these trees grow new leaves every week. We just need to know how we are suppose to take care of the trees we have. They add a lot of beauty to our backyard. These are very beautiful plants. I told my wife that I was going to buy a monkey to help us take care of the trees.
Any information you can give me on helping us growing and taking care of our trees would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for your time for reading my questions.
Lanny Forbis
Campbellsville Kentucky

If you want to harvest and move a sucker growth you need to wait until it is at least 3 feet tall.
The you can cut the pup off of the tree digging down to get as much roots as possible.
Try not to damage the roots.
Remove all the leaves so the new plant can concentrate it's energy to root formation.
Plant directly in the ground or a container.
Water the sucker deeply right away and then 2 or 3 times a week. The sucker will likely wilt but will recover in time.
Add 1/2 cup of a balanced fertilizer to the new planting and again 3 more times in the season, midwinter, spring and late summer.
Here are some links for you.