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Tree Problems

Q.How to Grow a Sapling From an Established Root From Fallen Tree

Anonymous added on July 23, 2012 | Answered

We had a tree (not sure what kind) that was hit by lightening and fell over in our front lawn. The root is still there and now saplings are popping up. There is a sapling growth of about 12 inches there now. How do I encourage this to regrow, and will it develop correctly where the last tree once stood? To me, it just looks like a random bunch of branches with leaves. Will a trunk form and grow adequately?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on July 24, 2012

You would have to train the sucker into tree form, as it will naturally grow in a bush like form. As long as you are ok with this, there is not problem in letting them grow.

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