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Queen Palm Trees

Q.How to get rid of cut worms in a tall Queen Palm

Zone NW Florida | KimHowell added on June 8, 2012 | Answered

I was horrified to see that cut worms are eating away at my beautiful Queen Palm. What can I do to save this beautiful 30 ft Palm?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 11, 2012

You can buy a substance called Bt (short for bacillus thuringiensis). It is sold at many garden nurseries. It is a natural bacteria that kills caterpillars of all kinds. This should help eliminate them.

You can also use neem oil. It is not a quick kill pesticide, but causes the caterpillars to stop eating and they starve to death. The nice thing about neem oil is the tree absorbs it, so even if the worms can burrowed into the tree, the neem oil will still reach them and kill them.

Both of these substances are harmless to people and pets.

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