Q.How to cut back tall Brugmansia
I was given a potted cutting of a gorgeous dark pink Brugmansia. Had it three years with no branching, no blooms. I live in Connecticut, so cut my Brugs back and winter indoors. This year it grew 10 feet tall on a very woody single straight stem, and finally in September gave me one bud at a tiny branch. It’s in bloom and is a beauty, but shall I cut it back severely and will it then branch next year, or should I take the cutting from the top and root it? I don’t want it so tall next year. I have other Brugs grown under the same conditions which were lovely prolific bloomers and readily branched. Thanks for any suggestions!
You should prune your plants in late spring, after the last frost.
If your needing to prune due to size now, you are likely affecting the blooms for next year.
Here is a link to help you.