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Fig Tree

Q.How to Correct Soil on Existing Fig Tree

Anonymous added on September 8, 2012 | Answered

We have 3 fig trees. One gets figs but not many. One gets no figs at all and the third one gets little figs but never ripen. How do I correct the existing soil? I appreciate your help.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on September 10, 2012

It sounds like the trees are stressed. These are all symptoms of stressed trees. Typically, the most common stress for a tree is a lack of watering. Is there a way to get more water to the trees? You can slowly improve the ability of the soil to hold water by spreading organic material, like peat moss, coffee grounds or leaf or mushroom humus, on the soil around the tree. Just an inch or two ever few months (any deeper and it will harm the trees). This will work into the soil over time and make for better soil. In the meantime, increase water to the trees.

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