Q.How to correct leaning tree
After a severe storm, we noticed our 12-year maple leaning. We were told the “tap root” must have snapped. Over the last 2 years, the leaves just don’t seem like they are as abundant as they had been. Someone said you can prune the branches to redirect. Is there anything we can do for our very large tree?

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Since it is a large tree and fairly old, it may not be practical to fix the leaning. That being said, if you would like to give it a try anyway, tie a rope around the tree trunk and anchor it in the direction you wish teh tree to go. Use a piece of garden hose over the rope where it touches the tree to protect the plant. Tighten the rope a little every few weeks to pull it back into the right angle. This will correct it without hurting the tree.
Maples are usually best pruned in late summer/early fall, though may be done in early spring when necessary.