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Lamb's Ear Plants

Q.How to care for Lambs Ears inside over the winter

Zone Asheville 28803 | Anonymous added on October 14, 2019 | Answered

I planted two lambs ears in my raised garden and they are growing and healthy. My garden is in a community garden that must be cleared by 11/1. How do I transfer and care for them over the winter. In particular, what sized pots would be best and do I need a growing light. I’m in Asheville, NC. Thanks.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on October 15, 2019

If you have a south facing window for them, you can do without the grow light. I don't know how much your plants have spread, but buy containers that will be about an inch wider than your leaf spread. If that seems too wide, you can have part of the leaves overlap the edge of the pot. They do not like sitting in water, so be sure the pot drains well. When watering, wait till the soil is very dry before watering again. Lamb's ear is susceptible to root rot. Here is more:


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