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Hellebore Plants

Q.How to care for hellebores inside during winter

Zone Sarasota Fl.. 34236 | Anonymous added on December 8, 2017 | Answered

How much water and do they need….what temperatures are best for flowering and longevity?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on December 9, 2017

Hellebores prefer to be kept in cool temperatures, and they will bloom better that way, so keep the plants in the coolest spot you have.They are really winter plants and prefer to live below 45 degrees but above freezing during the winter. Also keep them away from children and pets, because hellebores are poisonous.

When they are not flowering, the plants will need some water but not much. The top inch or so of soil should dry out between waterings, but you should water before the plant wilts. When flowering, keep them evenly moist.

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