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Soil Amendments

Q.How To Amend Sandy Soil?

Zone Winchester Kansas | KcGirl added on October 11, 2022 | Answered

Daylillies don’t fine but everything else I’ve planted looks sick and some have died. I had a great garden at my 1st house but here the soil is strange and powdery or grainy and when I shovel it, it sounds like sand.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on October 12, 2022

It is probably best to do a soil assay in order to see if they detect any nutrient deficiencies and-or toxicities. Common recommendations usually involve mulching, adding a layer of organic compost or composted manure (to retain water and add nutrients) with some frequency but there may be specialized instructions applicable to your case. In sandy soil, you may need to water 50% more water than normal too.

If you pick up a fistful of sandy soil and squeeze it, it should falls back apart as you release the grip. Sand has very few air pockets inside where water can accumulate and roots can grow into to find nutrients and water.

Succulents and cacti perform well in sandy conditions.

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