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Arrowhead Plants

Q.How tall will my arrowhead get

Zone Palm Bay Florida | sheila B added on June 7, 2019 | Answered

I got it in a garden dish from my brothers funeral and it was small when I repotted it about 8″ now it is 2 feet of course I did not know that it was a climber so it grew a little crazy. I am wanting to buy a trellis for it now and not sure how big I should get. I live in Florida zone 11 and it stays out on my patio. Thank You Sheila

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 8, 2019

They can grow quite big; they can easily be maintained to a smaller size by pinching back new growth to keep it more compact.
You can use a trellis or poll in the container for this plant to climb on.


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