Q.How Soon Can I Safely Plant (and Protect) Seed Sown Outdoors In Zone 5 A/b?
Fairly experienced gardener recently transplanted from California to mountaintops of West Virginia. Very few people seem to vege garden year-round here, yet I have lettuce, peas, green onions beets, herbs I overwintered from last Sept. planting. They have survived and supplemented my green diet through the winter under large, clear plastic storage bins, even through snow and freezing conditions. Have mostly harvested them as microgreens (lettuce, peas, beets). Now want to get an early start on a spring/summer garden. In this part of the country is it best to wait until the ground warms up to plant seed, or to try seeds under the plastic bins? We are starting some seeds under a grow light, but I’m not a fan of that method as it usually seems to produce such weak stems/stalks. Plus, only so much room under the one grow light we have. Any advice for starting a garden in this region would be most appreciated.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
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