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Cypress Trees

Q.How Much Water Should You Give A Italian Cypress Tree In A Pot?

Zone 30319 | Anonymous added on November 1, 2020 | Answered

I did not water my Italian Cypress tree in a pot enough in the 3 weeks of planting. I thought it only needed a glass of water every other day. I wasn’t given any instruction from the nursery. The bottom layer of leaves/needles were starting to turn pale yellow. I quickly gave the tree 3 gallons of water yesterday and another gallon today with fertilizer after researching the Internet. Still, I don’t know what I’m doing and can use some instruction.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on November 2, 2020

Your tree will appreciate a deep watering only once a week during the cooler seasons, more during warm weather. Go ahead and brush away the fallen needles and twigs and put it on a regular weekly watering schedule. Unless you see other signs of distress, it should perk up soon. You may want to prune it a bit in the early spring. Here's a helpful article:

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