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Aloe Vera Plants

Q.How Much Water (in Liters) Does Aloe Vera Need?

Anonymous added on December 4, 2010 | Answered

Could you tell me how much water (in liters) does an aloe vera plant need? I am developing a project for rainwater collection systems for an aloe vera field, so i am wondering if it can support the aloe demands.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on December 5, 2010

The aloe vera are very drought tolerant so they do well on not much water. They do not tolerate frosts and also alot of water will kill them quickly. When grown in a container I let the plants get dry and test the soils with a moisture meter. When I do water them I drench the soils and let the water drain well out the bottom of the containers being sure not to let any water stand in the saucer at the bottom. I would think that your rainwater collection system would easily support your field due to their limited need for water. You will likely need to experiment a bit at first but in this case I would start with a light amount of watering and increase the water allowance in very very small quantities. Hope this helps you.

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