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Q.how much water do beets need

Zone north east | jheeney added on July 9, 2014 | Answered

How often should beets be watered?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 10, 2014

Watering questions can never be answered by a "how often." There are many variables that affect water, such as type of soil and weather. Some digging beside where your beets are growing will let you know if the soil is damp all the way down to below the roots. Deep and thorough watering is the way to go; generally an inch per week will be sufficient, unless you have sandy soil, which may need watering twice a week or more. And obviously if there's rain you won't need water. This article has more beet growing information. https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/vegetables/beets/care-of-potted-beets.htm

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