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Watermelon Plants

Q.How Much Bone Meal Per Non Flowering Watermelon Plant?

Zone Eugene, OR 97402 | Anonymous added on July 16, 2021 | Answered

We are using blk plastic in the garden and have about 15 watermelon plants growning spaced about 6 ft. apart. We had some heavy rains right after they were planted. Some have taken off and some not. The plants with vines that are 3-4 ft. long are not flowering. I have read to add bone meal, how much per plant?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 4, 2021

This will be determined by a soil test. This article will help:


Once you determine how much phosphorus the soil has, then you can determine how much to add. This will be in the instructions of the packaging, so be sure to follow them.

Here are some more articles that will help:




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