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Q.How long before new growth of phlox

Zone 9 | sknutson_28 added on May 2, 2015 | Answered

How long does it take before I see any new growth after planting my Phlox root balls? I planted my Phlox “Boy Blue” in early April and I live in zone 9. How long before I can see if I have successfully planted it? I don’t see any signs of growth or greenery. I bought a box of 10 root balls at Sam’s Club and I’m hoping I wasn’t sold a bad batch. Thank you.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 2, 2015

After planting, new growth typically appears in 2-3 weeks depending on soil and air temperature. So, it's a bit too soon to tell yet, I would give it some more time.

For more information on phlox, please visit the following link:

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