Q.How Long Does Adding Compost To Your Yard Last.
The lawn service I use took a soil sample and they recommend putting out compost for $550.00 and Sulfur for $71.00. Just wondering how much good it will do since I live in an old neighborhood and most of the neighbors do well to keep the grass cut. I am 75 years old and putting it out myself would be a challenge but if I decided to try what type of compost is best? I have a Charleston lawn and live on James Island so very sandy soil. Thanks for your advice. Sincerely, Linda Lee
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
This can last around a year, usually. If you are ok with a lawn that isn't perfect, then you can get away with doing so every two or three years. It would not harm the lawn, but wouldn't give it as full of a look.
You can always test the nutrient levels and pH yourself, or professionally.
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