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Blackthorn Shrubs

Q.How long do I keep a blackthorn bush in a pot?

Zone Falkirk | davymoncs added on August 28, 2018 | Answered

I have two very small (12 inch) blackthorn bushes and am looking to put them in my garden. Should I keep them in a pot and if so, how long for, or should I put them directly into the ground?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 29, 2018

If you can include your USDA zone I will be more than glad to help you figure out the best time to plant these. Generally, anytime the weather is mild is a good time. They will prefer to be in a fairly large container if you plan to keep them there. 8 Gallons or more will be plenty of room for several years.

In the meantime, this article will give you more information on the shrub: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/trees/blackthorn/growing-a-blackthorn-tree.htm

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Answered on August 29, 2018

Thank you for the reply. I am based in Scotland so cannot give you a USDA zone.

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