Q.How long before sweet woodruff will cover a back yard rise beneath some maples?
Six weeks ago in mid-April, I put-in 54 plants in little clumps of 5 or 6 in ten separate spots and am getting the impression that I’ll be waiting a while to see results. They remain healthy and seem to be thriving as individual plants but are not “spreading like wildfire” or in any way being “invasive” as I’ve repeatedly read. A friend mentioned that “the first year, it sleeps; the second year, it creeps; and the third year, it leaps.” Am I being impatient?

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Sweet Woodruff spreads by runners and does best in moist, shady sites. It prefers rich soil kept moist but not soggy.
Keep on the watering, especially during the hot summer days. It also will reseed itself.