Q.Earth Kind roses
How long before growth on Earth Kind tea rose planted with bare stalks put roots in a soil bag? Rose is in the ground 11 days with no sign of leaves.
Earth Kind and other rosebushes planted bare root can get their root systems going well in about 20 days, some take longer due to soils temperature conditions. I have had some bear root rosebushes take nearly two months to start to product foliage above ground. You can speed them up a bit by placing a wall-o-water unit over them and pinch it closed at the top like a T-Pee. This helps warm the soil area around the rosebush as well as the rosebush itself which tricks the rosebush into thinking it is warm enough to get with the program of growing. Pour some moo poo tea around each such rosebush that also has a good root stimulater mixed into it as well, then apply the wall-o-water unit. (
Stan The Rose Man
Consulting Rosarian