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Willow Trees

Q.How Go Make A Weeping Willow Bonsai Weep Instead Of Growing Straight Up.

Zone San Diego, CA 92127 | Peg Marshall added on June 12, 2020 | Answered

I have 6 little bonsai weeping willow trees I made from cutting two years ago. They are very healthy, but they don’t weep. The branches go straight up. It looks funny.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 12, 2020

As long as you took cuttings from weeping branches and not a grafted bottom sucker, it should weep with proper care.

Your symptoms will be caused by, only, a handful of things. If the cutting was taken from a sucker of a grafted tree, then it will not be the same species as the top. This can account for a non-weeping tree.

Other factors include proper care. They grow very , very fast. If it has been that long in container, and has not grown much, then environmental factors may be to blame. Root pruning is necessary, annually, for a bonsai specimen to remain healthy.

Here are some articles for more information:




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