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Money Tree

Q.How Far Can I Cut Back My Money Tree?

Zone 43953 | BeccaBryan added on May 12, 2020 | Answered

My money tree grew to a few feet tall. It had never been pruned. Unfortunately it was left in the rain and all the leaves began to die. I repotted it because the dirt was not drying out. The 5 main branches seem healthy but the branches and leaves have all died. It’s very top heavy. Can I cut the 5 main branches down to about 12” and essentially start over? Or will basically hacking that much off of it, completely kill it?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 14, 2020

The pruning will definitely set it back during times of stress, but it will not take care of the infection. In fact, pruning will make the infection much worse.

I would treat it with a fungicide, first. Only remove growth that is completely dead. After treatment, proper care will bring it back to a healthy state.

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