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Holly Bushes

Q.protecting plants

Zone Riverside, Illinois near the Brookfield zoo a suburb of Chicago. | don.brandon added on August 24, 2015 | Answered

How do you protect how many plants from drying up and dropping leaves? We have three holly plants and we fertilized with miracle grow and now one holly plant has dried up and leaves are dropped off. Stems have turned brown as if they had no water. We water quite regularly almost all of our plants on a regular basis. The two other plants seem to be doing well. I’m not sure if there is some type of fungus or whether the fertilizer caused the problem.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on August 25, 2015

Holly can suffer from environmental issues and fungus.
Remove the dead material and dispose of.
Use a broad spectrum fungicide and spray weekly till the point of run of.
Do this until the plant improves.
Read the links below to refresh you on the care and more information on diseases.


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