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Garden Pest Control

Q.How do you kill white ghost slugs?

Zone Somerset | Anonymous added on August 25, 2016 | Answered

The slugs cover our patio area at the rear of the house and the steps at the front.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on August 26, 2016

I had never heard of Ghost Slugs and had to do a bit of research.
Identifying the they are indeed Ghost Slugs appears to be a difficult task...thus the name Ghost Slug. They live deep in soil and rarely come to the surface from my reading. They consume earthworms.
Many people mistake the Field Slug for a Ghost Slug.
Field Slug can be controlled with normal slug deterrents.
Best of luck and thank you for bringing me 'a new one'!

I'm listing an article for you and a link about slug control.

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