Q.How Do We Remove a Ponytail Tree When the Bulb/Bottom Is Huge
It’s at least 4-5 feet across and about 15 foot high.
Assuming you want to relocate the plant, here is what I'd do. Dig 18-20 inches out from the caudex, (bulb/bottom) to a depth of 18-20 inches below the caudex. With a plant this large, you will have to have equipment to lift and move. My largest ponytail is about half the size of yours, and we lay it down and roll it, but it is in a container. Since most succulents don't have a huge root system, they usually aren't traumatized as dramatically when moved as leafy/tropical plants. Water the plant in, then keep new location barely moist until re-established. Kept too wet, the plant might not live...remember that caudex is like a sponge full of water.