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Alocasia Plants

Q.How do I transplant this overgrown potted alocasia?

Zone Melbourne, Australia | Melb_Garden added on June 21, 2018 | Answered

I inherited this alocasia upright from the previous owner of the home I bought, and it is so in need of being taken out of this pot but I am unsure how to do so correctly. It is currently winter here, so the plant has died right back, but in the warm weather it is spectacular. I would prefer to keep it in a (bigger) pot or seperate into several pots if possible, so it can be overwintered indoors. How do I correctly transplant it – do I need to separate some of the enormous tubers, or would that harm the plant? If separating them is best, how do I do that so as not to damage the plant? I have never seen an alocasia with so many large tubers above ground so appreciate advice.
Many thanks,

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 23, 2018
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