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Gourd Plants

Q.How Do I Tell If Something Is A Winter Squash Or Gourd

Zone 40311 zone 6b | handy27104 added on July 12, 2023 | Answered

This is growing better than anything in my garden and it’s a volunteer . What is it? Is it a winter squash that I can eat ?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on July 12, 2023

Gourds typically have a more irregular and bumpy shape compared to winter squash. They can come in various sizes, shapes, and colors, often with unique patterns or warts on the surface. Winter squash, on the other hand, generally have a smoother and more uniform shape.

Gourds are typically not edible and are primarily grown for decorative purposes. They have a hard and inedible flesh, and their seeds are usually not consumed. Winter squash, on the other hand, are grown for culinary purposes and have a soft, edible flesh.

To me, that resembles, more, a winter squash. the flesh will be, slightly, softer if so. You should be able to feel whether it has some give or not.



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