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Sweet Bay Laurel Trees

Q.How Do I Save A (very) Dehydrated Bay Laurel?

Zone D18AF82 | AoifeMac added on April 24, 2020 | Answered

I have two very dehydrated bay laurel trees. They were replanted in compost a week ago and I’ve given them lots of water since but they dont seem to be making any progress and I dont know how much water is enough/too much. New at this but keen to learn and save them if possible. One is worse than the other and the leaves are feeling crunchy. They get direct sunlight for 2-3 hours mid morning, then shade. Any help would be appreciated. (Completed this earlier but I think it didn’t send, apologies if this is a duplicate) Thanks Aoife, Dublin

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 27, 2020

Unfortunately, they are probably the exact opposite of dehydrated. Overwatering will cause these symptoms, which will signify that the shrub has contracted an infection. Correcting will consist of two things:

First, you will need to treat with a fungicide of bactericide. These articles will help:





Along with treatment, you will want to correct watering habits. This will mean waiting until the soil is completely dry down to about 3 or 4 inches if the container has drain holes. If it doesn't then you will want to wait until the soil is completely dry about halfway down the container before watering again. The time it takes to dry down to this depth will depend on the environmental conditions around the plant.

This article will help you to care for the plant:


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