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Hyacinth Plant

Q.How do I revive my ponytail palm?

Zone Saskatchewan, Canada - Indoor Plant | mezkeith added on March 18, 2015 | Answered

The leaves started turning brown and eventually the entire thing turned brown. I water usually every 10 days or so. It started to sap, so I figured that was a good sign but I’m not too sure anymore. I cut all the dead leaves off and was going to cut right down to the stem but when I tried they just pulled off and have left a wet bulb part. What do I do now?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on March 18, 2015

Right before it was given to me it was re-soiled, my mom gave it to me in hopes I could revive it while she was away.

I haven't noticed any bugs but I'll take a closer look. I thought maybe the bulbs under the brown leaves was new growth?

Thanks for your help Shelley

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Answered on March 18, 2015

I am wondering if perhaps you have been over-watering your ponytail palm. Did you let the soil dry out significantly between waterings? Touch the soil - is it really damp? If so, I would consider re-potting your palm in fresh dry soil.

I am also wondering about that sap. The presence of sap could indicate a type of scale plant insect which could drain your palm's sap or create honeydew, depending on the type of insect. I have included articles about these critters below so you know what to look for and what to do:

Identifying scale plant insects:

Prescribed care for ponytail palms:

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